Requested/Checked Out Items Screen

The Requested/Checked Out Items screen displays the following columns and buttons.


When you request to check out an item by clicking the Library Administrator receives and finalizes the request. The Library Administrator will enter a Tracking Number, and contact you for its distribution. You will have a specific amount of time for the checkout period and the item will be due back to the library at that time.

Column Description
Name This is the name of the resource, such as a book or video title.

Click the name to see additional information about the resource, including a description.

Type This is the medium used to deliver the resource (audio book, book, and so on).
Author This is the author’s name.
Publisher/Year This is the publisher and the year of publication.
Check-Out Date This is the date that you requested the resource.
Date Sent This is the date that the Learning Administrator gave the resource to you: by mail, in person, or in another way.
Expiration Date This is the date that you are expected to return the resource.
Tracking Number This is the tracking number that the Learning Administrator assigned to the check-out transaction.


The buttons on the Requested/Checked Out Items screen perform the following functions.

Button Description
Library Search Click this button to search through your organization’s learning library for resources that you might want to borrow.
Retract Resource Request If you requested resources that you no longer want, select the resources, then click this button. Your requests are cancelled.